Do you find 52.9 Degrees In Delhi? Weather Chief talks Investigating Readings

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The sweltering heat in Delhi has reached a new high, with a weather office in the city reportedly recording a scorching temperature of 52.9 degrees Celsius, the highest ever recorded in India. However, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has expressed skepticism over the accuracy of this reading and has launched an investigation to verify the data.

According to IMD Director General M Mohapatra, the temperature sensor at the Mungeshpur automatic weather station, which recorded the exceptional temperature, is being checked to ensure it is functioning correctly. Mohapatra emphasized that the reading from Mungeshpur is an “outlier” and needs to be confirmed, as it starkly contradicts the temperatures recorded by other monitoring stations in Delhi.

In fact, out of the 20 monitoring stations in Delhi, 14 have reported a drop in temperature, with the average temperature across the city ranging from 45-50 degree Celsius. While some observatories in Delhi have shown slightly higher temperatures, the Mungeshpur reading is an anomaly that requires a thorough investigation.

To get to the bottom of this, a team of specialists has been sent to Mungeshpur to investigate the matter further. The IMD is taking a cautious approach to ensure that the data is accurate and reliable, as incorrect readings can have significant implications for weather forecasting and public health.

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It is worth noting that heatwaves are a frequent occurrence in Delhi during the summer months, and temperatures often soar above 45 degrees Celsius. However, a temperature of 52.9 degrees Celsius is unprecedented and raises concerns about the impact of climate change on the region.

As the investigation unfolds, the people of Delhi can only hope that the temperatures will drop soon, providing some much-needed relief from the sweltering heat.


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